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Is my Holden Financial Services loan account affected by General Motor’s decision to retire the Holden brand in Australia and New Zealand?
No, you can continue with your loan and your terms and conditions and scheduled loan repayments are unchanged.
Will Holden Financial Services still honour the Holden Guaranteed Value (HGV) amount at the end of my loan term?
Yes, this is unchanged. The HGV amount is subject to you keeping and returning your vehicle in an acceptable condition in accordance with the Fair Wear and Tear guidelines. The HGV amount may be reduced, if you do not keep your vehicle in an acceptable condition and/or you exceed your nominated kilometre allowance.
Do I still need to abide by the maximum kilometrage usage I selected for my HGV loan?
Yes, this is unchanged. An excess kilometre charge will be applied for each kilometre you travel above your nominated kilometre allowance in your loan contract.
When is a Holden Vehicle eligible to participate in the Holden Know Your Cost Servicing Program?
A Holden Vehicle which is an Eligible Vehicle can participate in the Program at any time from the first kilometre travelled by the Eligible Vehicle, provided that at the time it participates in the Program, it is registered with an Australian State or Territory road transport authority on or before the Program end date.
What is an Eligible Vehicle?
An "Eligible Vehicle" is:
a. a Holden Vehicle, registered on or after 1 January 2018 and before the Program end date, or
b. an Excluded Vehicles.
A vehicle is an "Excluded Vehicle" if it:
a. is not registered with an Australian State or Territory road transport authority at the relevant time it proposes to participate in the Program;
b. a vehicle which was first registered as a government vehicle*;
c. a vehicle which was first registered as a rental vehicle.
*Government and rental vehicle Customers must contact their Holden Dealer to obtain their relevant service quote for the first 7 Scheduled Services. For Customers who have purchased their vehicle second hand, we recommend that you contact your local Holden Dealer to determine whether the vehicle was first registered as a Government or Rental vehicle.
Is the Service Price the same for every model of Eligible Vehicle?
The Service Price for each model of Eligible Vehicle is calculated in accordance with the specific service schedule for that vehicle model (which may vary from model to model) and the model year. Furthermore, the Service Price for each model may vary from service interval to service interval.
Individual parts and vehicle systems are affected differently, depending on the distance travelled, time in use and driving conditions. For some Scheduled Services, additional parts may need to be inspected and/or replaced and a longer period of time may be spent by Holden's factory-trained technicians completing the relevant Scheduled Service.
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What is the Price for each Scheduled Service?
The Price for each Scheduled Service will be provided to the Customer when the Customer makes a request for a quote for a Scheduled Service for an Eligible Vehicle (Quote Request).
The Quote Request is to be made online through Holden's website at
The returned quote for the requested Scheduled Service will detail the Price for the Scheduled Service. The quote also lists which Scheduled Service items are performed by the Dealer during the service. The quote is valid for 30 days from the original date of request.
Government and rental vehicle Customers must contact their Holden Dealer to obtain a capped price service quote.
In addition, Holden may publish a list of prices for Scheduled Services at or elsewhere from time to time. Holden may change the published or Program prices from time to time and without notice. For the avoidance of doubt, within the first 7 subsidised service period, any such price changes will not apply retrospectively to Eligible Vehicles purchased prior to the price change being implemented. Price changes will only apply to future vehicles purchased on or after the date the price change comes into effect.
What services are covered under the Holden Know Your Cost Servicing Program?
For all Eligible Vehicles, the Scheduled Services covered under the Program are all service items listed in the "standard service schedule for normal operating conditions" for each Eligible Vehicle, as specified in the Service and Warranty Booklet for that Eligible Vehicle, including parts, labour, fluids and any applicable workshop charges.
An additional Service covered under the Program is a basic maintenance service only (Essential Services):
a. engine oil replacement;
b. oil filter replacement;
c. vehicle health check; and
d. tyre rotation (if required).
An Essential Service differs from the full service schedule. Holden Dealers will not stamp the scheduled service completion coupon in the Service Warranty booklet when only an Essential Service has been performed. They will however, record the details of the service in the "additional service requirements or coupon" section of the booklet. An Essential Service is intended to be used in the event of vehicle being 'in between' scheduled service intervals, in preparation of a trip etc. For an older model Holden vehicle, an Essential Service is a regular basic maintenance service. A Vehicle Health Check may reveal additional maintenance or other service related items are required to ensure the vehicle is operating as designed, efficiently or safely. Any additional service items required will be discussed with the Customer prior to any additional work being performed. These additional items will be at the Customers expense.
Holden Dealers will use genuine Holden parts for all relevant Scheduled Services, except where genuine Holden parts are no longer available.
What services are not covered under the Holden Know Your Cost Servicing Program?
Additional service or maintenance items which are not Scheduled Services are not covered under the Program.
These excluded items, include (but are not limited to):
a. items which require additional servicing depending on the operating conditions as detailed in the Service and Warranty Booklet for that vehicle;
b. normal wear and tear items requiring periodic maintenance (e.g. fuses, brake pads, wiper blades, batteries, tyres, wheel alignment adjustments);
c. air conditioner pollen filter;
d. any servicing required as a result of the fitment of non-genuine Holden parts or accessories;
e. additional fluids and additives not specified in the standard service schedules for normal operating conditions set out in the Service and Warranty Booklet for that Eligible Vehicle;
f. accident damage to any chassis, body or driveline components;
g. adjustments not specified in the standard service schedules for normal operating conditions set out in the Service and Warranty Booklet for that Eligible vehicle; and
h. additional maintenance and repairs recommended by the Customer's Holden Dealer to suit individual driving characteristics.
If any additional service or maintenance work is required that is not covered by the Program, the authorised Holden Dealer will discuss any additional costs with the Customer prior to performing any such additional work.
Where can a Scheduled Service under the Know Your Cost Servicing Program be carried out?
To receive the benefit of the Service Price, Customers must have the Scheduled Service performed at an authorised Holden Dealer.
When can a Scheduled Service be carried out?
To receive the benefit of the Price under the Program for any Scheduled Service, Customers must ensure that that Scheduled Service is performed by the Service Due Date or before the odometer of the Eligible Vehicle passes the Service Kilometre Limit, whichever occurs earlier (Nominated Period).
It is the Customer's responsibility to ensure that the Scheduled Service is performed within the Nominated Period.
If the Customer has missed a Scheduled Service in a particular Nominated Period, the Price will no longer be available for the Scheduled Service in that Nominated Period. However, the Price for the next Scheduled Service in the next Nominated Period will become available.
It is important to note that if a Customer misses a Scheduled Service, additional work may be identified at the next Scheduled Service in the next Nominated Period which is not included in the Price of that next Scheduled Service. Authorised Holden Dealers will obtain Customer's consent for any additional costs prior to performing any additional service or maintenance work.
The entitlements under the Program cannot be transferred to any other vehicle. The Program entitlements remain with the Eligible Vehicle for the duration of the Program.
However, Program entitlements can be transferred between subsequent owners of the same Eligible Vehicle.
For clarity, in the Terms & Conditions a reference to Scheduled Service means maintenance and service items listed in the "standard service schedule for normal operating conditions" set out in the Service and Warranty Booklet for an eligible vehicle.
Service Due Date means, in relation to a Nominated Period, the date as follows:
a. For eligible vehicles with a 9 Month / 15,000km service interval 90 days after the date specified in the Service Warranty booklet for that eligible vehicle; or where no Service Warranty booklet is available, 12 months from the last scheduled service date
b. For eligible vehicles with a 12 Month / 12,000km service interval 90 days after the date specified in the Service Warranty booklet for that eligible vehicle; or where no Service Warranty booklet is available, 15 months from the last scheduled service date
Service Kilometre Limit means, in relation to a Nominated Period, the kilometre reading which is:
a. For eligible vehicles with a 9 Month / 15,000km service interval specified in the log book contained in the Service and Warranty Booklet for that eligible vehicle plus 3,000 kilometres; or
where no Service and Warranty Booklet is available, within 12,000 kilometres from the last service date
b. For eligible vehicles with a 12 Month / 12,000km service interval specified in the log book contained in the Service and Warranty Booklet for that eligible vehicle plus 3,000 kilometres; or
where no Service and Warranty Booklet is available, within 15,000 kilometres from the last service date
When is a Holden Vehicle eligible to participate in the Holden Lifetime Capped Price Servicing Program?
A Holden Vehicle which is an Eligible Vehicle is eligible to participate in the Program at any time from the first kilometre travelled by the Eligible Vehicle, provided that at the time it participates in the Program, it is registered with an Australian State or Territory road transport authority on or before the Program end date.
What is an Eligible Vehicle?
An "Eligible Vehicle" is:
a. a Holden Vehicle; or
b. any other vehicle which is published on Holden's website as being an "Eligible Vehicle" for the purpose of this Program, other than Excluded Vehicles.
A vehicle is an "Excluded Vehicle" if it:
a. is not registered with an Australian State or Territory road transport authority at the relevant time it proposes to participate in the Program;
b. a vehicle which was first registered as a government vehicle*;
c. a vehicle which was first registered as a rental vehicle*; or
d. is a Holden Vehicle which Holden has determined is an "Excluded Vehicle".
*Government and rental vehicle customers must contact their Holden Dealer to obtain their relevant capped price service quote. For customers who have purchased their vehicle second hand, we recommend that you contact your local Holden Dealer to determine whether the vehicle was first registered as a Government or Rental vehicle.
Is the Capped Price the same for every model of Eligible Vehicle?
The Capped Price for each model of Eligible Vehicle is calculated in accordance with the specific service schedule for that vehicle model (which varies from model to model) and the model year. Furthermore, the Capped Price for each model may vary from service interval to service interval.
Individual parts and vehicle systems are affected differently, depending on the distance travelled, time in use and driving conditions. For some Scheduled Services, additional parts may need to be inspected and/or replaced and a longer period of time may be spent by Holden's factory-trained technicians completing the relevant Scheduled Service.
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What is the Capped Price for each Scheduled Service?
The Capped Price for each Scheduled Service will be provided to the customer when the customer makes a request for a quote for a Scheduled Service for an Eligible Vehicle (Quote Request).
The Quote Request is to be made online through Holden's website at The quote for Scheduled Services received in response to the Quote Request will detail the Capped Price for the Scheduled Service requested in the Quote Request (Quote).
Government and rental vehicle customers must contact their Holden Dealer to obtain a capped price service quote.
In addition, Holden may publish a list of prices for Scheduled Services at or elsewhere from time to time. Holden may change the published or Program prices from time to time and without notice. For the avoidance of doubt, any such price changes will not apply retrospectively to Eligible Vehicles purchased prior to the price change being implemented and will only apply to future vehicle purchases on and after the date the price change comes into effect.
What services are covered under the Holden Lifetime Capped Price Servicing Program?
For Recent Model Holden Vehicles, the Scheduled Services covered under the Program are all service items listed in the "standard service schedule for normal operating conditions" for each Eligible Vehicle, as specified in the Service and Warranty Booklet for that Eligible Vehicle, including parts, labour, fluids and any applicable workshop charges.
For Older Model Holden Vehicles, the Scheduled Services covered under the Program are the following maintenance and service items only (Essential Services):
a. engine oil;
b. oil filter; and
c. vehicle health check.
Holden will use genuine Holden parts for all relevant Scheduled Services, except where genuine Holden parts are no longer available.
What services are not covered under the Holden Lifetime Capped Price Servicing Program?
Additional service or maintenance items which are not Scheduled Services and are not covered under the Program:
For Recent Model Holden Vehicles, include (but are not limited to):
a. items which require additional servicing depending on the operating conditions as detailed in the Service and Warranty Booklet for that vehicle;
b. normal wear and tear items requiring periodic maintenance (e.g. fuses, brake pads, wiper blades, batteries, tyres, wheel alignment adjustments);
c. air conditioner pollen filter;
d. any servicing required as a result of the fitment of non-genuine Holden parts or accessories;
e. additional fluids and additives not specified in the standard service schedules for normal operating conditions set out in the Service and Warranty Booklet for that Eligible Vehicle;
f. accident damage to any body, chassis or driveline components;
g. adjustments not specified in the standard service schedules for normal operating conditions set out in the Service and Warranty Booklet for that Eligible vehicle; and
h. additional maintenance and repairs recommended by the customer's Holden Dealer to suit individual driving characteristics.
For Older Model Holden Vehicles, include (but are not limited to):
a. any maintenance or service items not listed as an Essential Service item; and
b. additional maintenance and repairs recommended by the customer's Holden Dealer to suit individual driving characteristics.
If any additional service or maintenance work is required that is not covered by the Program, the authorised Holden dealer will discuss any additional costs with the customer prior to performing any such additional work.
Where can a Scheduled Service under the Lifetime Capped Price Servicing Program be carried out?
To receive the benefit of the Capped Price, customers must have the Scheduled Service performed at an authorised Holden dealer.
When can a Scheduled Service be carried out?
To receive the benefit of the Capped Price under the Program for any Scheduled Service, customers must ensure that that Scheduled Service is performed by the Service Due Date or before the odometer of the Eligible Vehicle passes the Service Kilometre Limit, whichever occurs earlier (Nominated Period).
It is the customer's responsibility to ensure that the Scheduled Service is performed within the Nominated Period.
If the customer has missed a Scheduled Service in a particular Nominated Period, the Capped Price will no longer be available for the Scheduled Service in that Nominated Period. However, the Capped Price for the next Scheduled Service in the next Nominated Period will become available.
It is important to note that if a customer misses a Scheduled Service, additional work may be identified at the next Scheduled Service in the next Nominated Period which is not included in the Capped Price of that next Scheduled Service. Authorised Holden dealers will obtain customer's consent for any additional costs prior to performing any additional service or maintenance work.
The entitlements under the Program cannot be transferred to any other vehicle. The Program entitlements remain with the Eligible Vehicle for the duration of the Program.
However, Program entitlements can be transferred between subsequent owners of the same Eligible Vehicle.
When do you expect parts to become available?
Please refer to the Takata Airbag Recall Initiation Schedule (published on for dates for each impacted Holden, Saab or Opel vehicle.
How do I know if my car is impacted?
If you own a car on the list above, it is fitted with a front driver’s side airbag with an affected Takata inflator which will need to be replaced.
Holden will contact all customers with impacted vehicles to let them know when parts are available and their airbag is ready to be replaced.
You can also contact Holden’s Customer Care line on 1800 632 826 quoting your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). Your VIN can be found:
- On the bottom corner of the windscreen on the passenger side;
- Inside the driver’s door; and
- Near the firewall in the engine bay
What should I do if I think my vehicle is impacted?
Please ensure we have your contact details so that we can contact you if we need to. You can update your contact details at
We will contact you directly to organise a replacement airbag to be fitted to your vehicle once parts become available.
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I think I have an affected Takata airbag spare part in my possession. How can I confirm whether it is affected by this recall and what should I do with it?
Affected Takata airbags (new or used) cannot be sold under any circumstances. Holden is offering a rebate for the return of all new or used affected Takata airbags. Please call Holden Customer Care on 1800 632 826 and we will arrange the rebate and discuss options to collect the airbag from you at no cost. If you are unsure whether the spare part is affected by this recall you may take a photo of the serial number labels and email it to Once the photo has been assessed a member of our team will contact you.
Why is Holden contacting me about my Saab or Opel vehicle for this recall?
Holden, as part of General Motors, is the importer of Saab and Opel vehicles. Holden dealerships are authorised to carry out the rework on Saab and Opel vehicles for this recall campaign.
If my vehicle has previously had a driver airbag replaced after a crash or other rework, is my vehicle still affected by the Takata Recall?
If your vehicle has had an airbag replacement following a collision or other incident, any replacement airbag installed in the Vehicle may be faulty and require replacement. Accordingly, please check your VIN on the VIN Lookup tool* to determine if your Vehicle requires an airbag replacement under an Active or Future recall**.
Are any GM Holden vehicles fitted with ‘Alpha’ airbag inflators or any other inflators subject to Critical Safety Recall?
No GM Holden vehicles contain alpha airbag inflators. However, certain Model Year 2010 Cruze vehicles manufactured between February 2009 and September 2009 may contain Driver Airbag inflators which are considered critical, as set out in guidance issued by the ACCC in August 2019.
If you own one of these vehicles, you should stop driving your vehicle immediately! It is critical that you immediately contact Holden Customer Care on 1800 632 826 to arrange to have the airbag replaced. There will be no charge for the repair. A vehicle tow service or mobile repair technician can be arranged.
How do I find out if my vehicle is subject to a Critical Safety Recall?
Click the link below and enter your vehicle‘s Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) into the VIN Lookup Tool.
Is the replacement airbag also made by Takata?
The replacement airbags do not use Takata inflators. Holden is not using any like-for-like airbag replacements.
What is the problem with the affected airbag?
Some Takata airbag inflators are made with non-desiccated Phase Stabilised Ammonium Nitrate (PSAN) as a propellant. As it gets older, a combination of high temperatures and humidity can cause the airbag inflator propellant to degrade. If the vehicle is involved in a collision, the airbag can go off with too much explosive force, causing sharp metal fragments to shoot out and kill or seriously injure people in the vehicle.
Are all the airbags in the car impacted?
Airbag inflators impacted by the compulsory recall in Holden, Opel and Saab vehicles are only fitted to the driver's side (steering wheel mounted). Side and curtain airbags are not impacted.
Why is only the driver's side affected?
In Holden, Saab and Opel vehicles, only the driver’s side airbag inflators are manufactured by Takata and use phase-stabilised ammonium nitrate propellant without a desiccant.
Why are they being recalled if you don't use alpha inflators?
The Australian Government has issued a compulsory recall for all vehicles with frontal Takata airbag inflators that use phase-stabilised ammonium nitrate propellant without a desiccant.
Why don't all my airbags in my car have these types of propellants?
Holden, Saab and Opel vehicles contain a range of airbags supplied by several different suppliers. Design specifications mean the Takata airbags affected by the compulsory recall were used for driver side airbags only. Other suppliers were used for other airbags inside Holden, Saab and Opel vehicles.
Why is my vehicle being recalled after other Holden vehicles affected by the Takata recall?
In accordance with the requirements of the Recall Notice GM Holden has prioritized the replacement of Affected Takata Airbag Inflators by reference to:
(1) the geographical location of vehicles, with first priority given to vehicles currently registered in areas of high heat; and humidity.
(2) the age of Vehicles, with first priority given to older Vehicles, and particularly those that are older than 6 years.
When will I receive contact about next steps?
Holden has now commenced repairs for all affected Holden, Opel and Saab vehicles. Letters, emails and SMS have been sent to registered owners of impacted vehicles. If you have received a recall letter, email or SMS from Holden, DO NOT ignore it. Holden encourages you to take the action described in the letter, email or SMS as soon as possible.
Should I visit my closest dealer now?
Yes. Holden has now commenced repairs for all affected Holden, Opel and Saab vehicles. Letters, emails and SMS have been sent to registered owners of impacted vehicles. If you have received a recall letter, email or SMS from Holden, DO NOT ignore it. Holden encourages you to take the action described in the letter, email or SMS as soon as possible.
How will you contact me once parts are available and you are ready to replace my airbag?
Holden has now commenced repairs for all affected Holden, Opel and Saab vehicles. Letters, emails and SMS have been sent to registered owners of impacted vehicles. If you have received a recall letter, email or SMS from Holden, DO NOT ignore it. Holden encourages you to take the action described in the letter, email or SMS as soon as possible.
Please ensure we have your up-to-date contact details by visiting
I have bought a second-hand Holden which is on the recalled vehicle list, what should I do?
Holden will ensure all GM vehicles (Holden, Opel & Saab) fitted with defective Takata Driver's airbags have replacement parts fitted. This includes second-hand vehicles. Please ensure we have your up-to-date contact details by visiting
When we have parts ready, we'll contact you to arrange a suitable time for your local dealership to replace your airbag.
I'm a Used Car Dealer and I have several second-hand Holdens for sale under active recall, what should I do?
Vehicles under active recall cannot be sold until the driver airbag is replaced by a Holden Dealer. Please call Holden Customer Care on 1800 632 826 as we have options available that may help you, such as mobile repair.
Where can I get further information?
The most up-to-date information will be displayed on this webpage, which will be updated as new information on future recalls becomes available.
If you have further questions, please call Holden Customer Care on 1800 632 826. If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, for assistance making a free-of-charge relay call to Holden Customer Care, please contact the National Relay Service on 1800 555 660 or visit
We will contact our customers directly when we have more information to share and to organise a suitable time to have your replacement airbag fitted.
You may also report concerns to the ACCC by visiting
Where can I leave my details to receive further updates?
You can update your contact details at
If you have further questions, please call Holden Customer Care on 1800 632 826. If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, for assistance making a free-of-charge relay call to Holden Customer Care, please contact the National Relay Service on 1800 555 660 or visit
My car is unregistered or not driveable and it is affected by an active recall. How can I get it to a Holden Dealer to have the airbag replaced?
Please call Holden Customer Care on 1800 632 826 as we have options that may be able to help you, such as mobile repair or towing at no cost to you.
I have a General Motors vehicle that was privately imported from a different country (grey import), what do I do?
The vehicle’s importer is responsible for recall action under the Recall Notice, including repairing your vehicle if it is affected. You should contact the vehicle’s importer to discuss if your vehicle is impacted.
Who can I speak to about warranty enquiries?
Please call our Customer Care team on 1800 GM Holden (1800 46 465 336)
Does the Holden Voluntary Factory Warranty affect my rights under the Australian Consumer Law?
Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and for compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You can also have the components repaired or replaced, if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure.
Does the Holden Voluntary Factory Warranty include scheduled servicing?
All warranty work performed under your Voluntary Warranty (including parts and labour) will be carried out free of charge. However, servicing in accordance with your Maintenance Schedule is not included.
Where do I find your service & repair information?
General maintenance information can be primarily found in the relevant owners manual and service & warranty booklets. You can view these here:
Detailed service and repair information, technical bulletins, software programming and diagnostic tool platforms are available for purchase from our ACDelco Technical Delivery System by visiting If you require access to security and safety information, please contact the Australian Automotive Service and Repair Authority (AASRA) for further details at AASRA is the joint industry-led body that has been appointed by the Australian Government as the Scheme Advisor to manage the Motor Vehicle Service and Repair Information Sharing Scheme. Please be advised that you will only be able to access safety and security information, provided you meet the prescribed criteria set by the scheme rules.
Announcement 17 February 2020
With a heavy heart, Holden announced today that General Motors will be retiring the Holden brand in Australia and New Zealand. This announcement will be felt deeply by the entire Holden family, our customers and our fans.
We will immediately begin working with our dealer partners across Australia and New Zealand to implement an orderly transition, including support for our existing customers.
Holden will continue to support customers in the following ways:
- Honour all existing warranties and guarantees
- Honour all free scheduled servicing offers
- Ongoing call centre support
- Provide servicing and spare parts for at least 10 years, through national aftersales networks in Australia and New Zealand
- Recalls or safety-related issues if they arise
GM has taken this difficult decision after an exhaustive analysis of the investment required for Holden to be competitive for the long term in Australia's and New Zealand's new car markets. Regrettably, this assessment determined such an investment could not meet GM's investment thresholds, including delivering an appropriate return.
Factors weighing against further investment in Holden included: the highly fragmented right-hand-drive domestic markets; the economics to support growing the brand; and delivering an appropriate return on investment.
More broadly is the issue of scale. The global consolidation of the automotive industry has made it increasingly challenging to support a brand and a business that operates in only two markets, which represent less than one percent of the global industry.
This decision has not been taken lightly, especially considering the iconic status of the Holden brand and the contribution it has made not only to GM, but to the development of the economies of Australia and New Zealand.
It impacts all aspects of the Holden business, including the wind-down of the National Sales Company, GM Holden Engineering, GM Design Australia, Holden Financial Services and Maven Australia.
We are commencing work with our dealer partners on timing to cease sales of new vehicles, as well as transitioning dealerships to authorised service outlets.
Customer Questions
Where can I get my Holden serviced?
Holden will establish a national aftersales network to support existing customers for at least the next 10 years. All current Holden dealers will be offered the opportunity to transition to Holden authorised service outlets.
Will you honour my warranty?
Yes. Holden will continue to honour all existing warranties.
For how long will Holden provide spare parts?
Holden will provide existing Holden customers aftersales support for at least 10 years, including warranty, service, spare parts and any required recall or field actions.
How far will I need to travel to get my car serviced in future?
Holden will establish a national aftersales network. All current Holden dealers will be offered the opportunity to transition to Holden authorised service outlets.
What happens if there is a vehicle recall?
As required, Holden and its aftersales network will also continue to handle any recalls or safety-related issues if they arise, working with the appropriate governmental agencies.
General Questions
When will Holden close?
We are committed to looking after existing Holden customers – and our plan is to provide aftersales support for at least 10 years. We will work closely with our dealers and customers around the appropriate timing to cease sales in Australia and New Zealand.
What parts of the Holden operation are impacted by this decision?
The National Sales Company; Design, Engineering, Maven, Holden Financial Services. We will retain a team to support our aftersales operation.
Wouldn't it have been better to close Holden when local manufacturing ended?
We believed at the time that Holden could continue as a full-line importer.
What happens to Lang Lang Proving Ground?
We will explore options around the Lang Lang Proving Ground.
What happens to HSV?
We plan to focus our growth strategies in these markets on the specialty vehicles business and plan to immediately begin work with our partner on that focus.
What happens to Holden's collection of historic vehicles, vehicles of national significance?
We will preserve key heritage vehicles and are working through plans with GM and local partners and institutions.
Safety Recall VIN Lookup
Your vehicle identification number (VIN)
Locating the VIN number
The VIN can be found:
- On the bottom corner of windscreen on passenger side
- Inside the driver's door
- Near the firewall in the engine